
Ads and Analytics Agency
That Deliver Results

More Sales, More Time, More Profits

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Paid Media and Analytics That
Empower Your Growth

nn.partners is an international team of paid media and analytics experts on a mission to match great businesses with great marketing.

We use Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Meta Ads, and Web Analytics to deliver more sales, more time, and more profit—helping you grow faster while focusing on what matters most.

Built on our signature 3 pillar method: conversion tracking, account structure, and communication strategy. Partner with us to unlock a new chapter of measurable growth, increased profitability, and a sustained competitive edge that drives long-term success.

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Results-Driven Paid Media

Paid advertising is your smartest choice for ensuring your brand’s unique sales pitch reaches the masses in the fastest way possible. While paid media is highly competitive, it’s the most essential space to get your business in front of your ideal customers.

At nn.partners, we’ll create effecient ad campaigns on Google, Microsoft, or Meta with the most reach using the proven 3 pillar methodology and expertise of our extraordinary team to power your growth.

Partnering with us
is for you if….

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You are wasting money on inefficient ad campaigns

Understanding the journey from visitor to customer is vital. We examine how well your current marketing is working, identifying any gaps that might be causing you to miss out on potential sales.

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CPA is growing while the ROAS is dropping

Understanding the journey from visitor to customer is vital. We examine how well your current marketing is working, identifying any gaps that might be causing you to miss out on potential sales.

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You are overloaded by marketing data

Different ad sources show different numbers and you don’t know what to trust. At the same time, you can’t afford running your ads blindly just pouring money into ad platforms without knowing where to focus.

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Feel lost in a stream of Ad platform updates 

Managing ads is one of 1,000s things that you need to do and you don’t have time to become professional media buyer. As fun as it once was, now it’s just taking more and more of your time with diminishing returns.

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You don’t have time to manage accumulated data

You collect so much data that it takes days and sometimes even weeks to answer simple questions – are we profitable in this ad campaign, audience, marketing tactics?

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You know you need to figure things out with your data and quickly

You know you have a working engine and you need to figure out where to put more fuel into the fire to secure leadership position.

Take Control of Your ROAS
With nn.partners’ Signature 3-Pillar Method

Years of Expertise and Millions of $$$ in Ad Spend Boiled Down to a Simple, Powerful Method That Consistently Delivers Scalable Growth and Maximizes Your Return on Ads Spend.

Conversion Tracking

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Account Structure

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Communication Strategy

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Our Secret Sauce for Paid Ads Success

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Tailored Strategies for Your Specific Goals

Set your business up for long-term success. Get a strategic roadmap based on your unique needs and business goals.

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Custom Ad Creation & Optimization

Our expert team creates persuasive ads
based on your target buyer persona that drives conversions.

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Ad Campaigns on Platforms that Matter

We excel at managing Google Ads, Microsoft, and Meta ads. Reach the right audience, get the right leads, grow your sales – for the right price.

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Data-Driven Growth

Our data-driven approach continually optimizes your ad spend, reducing CPA and improving ROAS. We focus on what works, allowing your business to scale profitably.

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Clear, Actionable Analytics

Our end-to-end analytics simplify your data, providing clear insights into what’s driving results. No more guessing or being overwhelmed—just clear answers that guide better decisions.

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Quality Traffic that Converts

We attract the right audience with targeted search terms and strategies that convert visitors into customers. This ensures your ad spend is focused on traffic that drives real revenue.

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Targeted, Effective Ad Campaigns

We create ad campaigns that reflect your brand and resonate with your ideal audience. Our approach makes sure your ads are engaging and effective, so you can focus on other parts of your business.

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Real-Time Ad Insights

Our advanced analytics provide real-time insights into your campaign performance, helping you make smart, data-driven decisions. With our reporting, you can quickly adjust your strategy to maximize your ROI.

Your Paid Media in the Most Capable Hands

Average yearly advertising budget under management
$ 3 M+
Average satisfaction score
4 /5
Average yearly growth of our clients
20 %

Strategic Services to
Supercharge Your Sales

Say goodbye to outdated strategies and hello toto optimized, data-driven ad campaigns that give you a competitive edge.

With our proven 3-Pillar Method, we help our clients who run 7-8 figure businesses grow by an average of 30% year-over-year while saving up to 10 hours each week on manual reporting. This means you can focus on running your business, while we make sure your ads work harder for you.

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Boost ROAS and Get Your CPA Under Control

Our data-driven strategies are designed to lower your CPA and boost your ROAS. We’ll ensure your ads are in front of the right prospects, ahead of your competitors, maximizing your returns.

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Clear Data-Driven Insights at Your Fingertips

Turn data overload into actionable insights transforming scattered data into simple, easy-to-understand visuals. You’ll always know exactly how your paid ads are performing—24/7—and gain the clarity you need to make smarter decisions, faster.

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Drive Traffic that Converts into Revenue

With millions in ad budgets under our management, we’ve seen it all. Our campaigns are not only persuasive, but scalable, ensuring you’re bringing in high-quality traffic that turns visitors into loyal customers.

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Ads & Analytics Tailored for Your Goals

One thing you can be sure of is that we truly care. We’ll dive into your unique business needs and financial goals to deliver personalized ad campaigns that help your business stand out and generate the results you’re aiming for.

We’re Proud to Be Trusted By the World’s Leading Businesses

Nik Vdovenko founder at nn.partners

Nik Vdovenko

founder at nn.partners

Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level?

Discover how our proven paid media strategies and advanced analytic solutions can save you time, drive more sales, and boost your bottom line.  Schedule your no-obligation consultation and start your journey towards sustainable growth and success.

Schedule your FREE consultation

Why We’re Different

At nn.partners, we know it’s easy to get lost in the world of marketing—between confusing jargon, flashy “gurus”, and endless tools, it can feel like you’re spinning your wheels but getting nowhere. That’s where our 3-Pillar Method stands out.

Our approach isn’t just about running ads; it’s about giving you clarity. We cut through the noise and focus on showing you, in simple terms, what’s working and what isn’t—so you never have to second guess. No matter who’s involved, you’ll have a crystal clear understanding of your results and know exactly where your money is going. This means no more micromanaging, no more late nights worrying, and no need to dive into endless data—because we’ve got it under control so you can understand it.

But here’s the best part: you can finally focus on what matters most to you—whether that’s growing your business, working on new ideas, or just getting back some time to enjoy life. We give you the peace of mind that your ads are running smoothly, and the results will speak for themselves.

This isn’t just about hitting numbers—it’s about building long-term, sustainable growth. It’s the reason we’ve broken performance records, smashed ROAS targets, and consistently delivered real results for our clients. And on top of all the numbers, we also believe in one simple thing: we truly care. You’ll feel that in every conversation and every action we take. That’s what our clients value most—they know we’ve got their back, and we’re in it to help them win.

What exactly is the 3-Pillar Method, and how does it help my business?

Conversion Tracking:
This is all about understanding the journey from engagement to leads and sales. We make sure every ad dollar is trackable, so you know exactly which campaigns are driving sales, leads, or key actions—and which ones are just burning through your budget. No more guessing or assuming what’s working. With proper tracking in place, you get to see the clear picture of your business, ensuring no opportunities are missed.

How it makes your life easier:
Knowing what’s working lets you focus on what matters—profitable growth. You’ll stop wasting money on ineffective ads and finally have the clarity to make smarter, quicker decisions, leaving you more time to run your business.

Account Structure
An organized ad account isn’t just nice to have—it’s essential. We structure your ad campaigns in a way that ensures your budget is being used efficiently, targeting the right people at the right time, with the right message, for the right price. This means fewer wasted clicks, better engagement, and higher returns on ad spending.

How it makes your life easier:
A well-structured account gives you control and peace of mind.You’ll know your campaigns are running smoothly and efficiently, giving you back time to focus on growth.

Communication Strategy
Getting your unique and clear message in front of the right people in the right moment is key. We make sure your ads speak directly to your ideal customers, with the right message delivered at the right moment on platforms and formats that matter. This is how you stand out from the competition and get your audience to take action, whether it’s a purchase, sign-up, or inquiry.

How it makes your life easier:
When you have a clear, powerful message that connects with your audience, you don’t just get traffic—you get results. You’ll spend less time worrying about juggling ads and more time watching your results grow.
When you see all three pillars in action—Conversion Tracking, Account Structure, and Communication Strategy—you gain a crystal clear understanding of what’s working and why. You’ll finally have a full, accurate picture of your ads and analytics, allowing you to stop second-guessing. With that, you can confidently let go of the need to control or manage your ads, knowing that every important aspect is being taken care of. Your focus can shift back to growing your business, while we deliver more sales, more time, and profit to you.

What types of businesses do you work with, and how can we get started?

We typically work with established organizations that are already running ads on multiple platforms and are spending at least 6 figures per month on ads. These are companies where the business owner is deeply involved in day-to-day operations and has a vested interest in seeing real results from their ad spending.

Our clients want a partner who understands their unique needs, helps them gain confidence and clarity in their ads and analytics, and gives them peace of mind to focus on other areas of their business. They are business owners who want to delegate management of their ads and analytics, and trust that their partner is taking their business needs seriously.

If this sounds like you, schedule a free, no-obligation consultation now. During this consultation, we’ll discuss your specific goals and challenges to see if we’re the right fit to help you get more sales, more time, and profit from your ads and analytics.